
支持 医生 by 医生

随着医疗保健人力的不断减少和倦怠率的增加, 对医生来说,妥善照顾他们的精神疾病从未像现在这样重要, 情感, 身体健康. Peer 支持 Programs like ours have been shown to reduce 倦怠 in 医生 and improve overall physician well-being.  

The CMA Peer 支持 program is designed to provide access to an empathetic network of physician peers who have been professionally trained to support colleagues in need. The goal is to ensure Ohio 医生 feel 情感 and psychological support from those who have walked in their shoes. 

Peer support will occur over 1-2 sessions and if more robust mental health support or coaching is needed, 可以协调转诊.


  • Connection with a physician Peer 支持er who has received training by the leading national leading expert – Dr. 哈佛大学的乔·夏皮罗;  

  • 100%保密,以医生为中心 

  • 快速响应您的请求. 


填写下面的表格,以便与同行支持者匹配. 或打电话 614-385-6660


  • "Too many good 医生 have either left medicine or died because they didn’t have someone they could turn to who would understand the challenges they face, 在没有判断的情况下解决问题,只是有人倾听. 同伴支持提供了一个人,一个医生, 谁知道, 谁在乎呢,而且很可能以前也去过同一个地方. A person who can walk alongside a physician at some of the hardest times in their life."

  • “我在俄亥俄州中部当了25年的医生, 我已经看到并感受到我们的职业带来的情感和身体上的损失. Knowing there is a community of people who can help to support fellow colleagues through those critical times is a welcome resource. I am grateful to be able to be of service as a peer supporter 为 anyone who needs someone to listen."

  • "My interest in peer support stems from my personal experience with medical malpractice. 当我收到通知时,那是一个黑暗的日子,令人沮丧. As I contacted my attorney I was immediately told not to discuss my case with anyone other than my spouse. 把这事留给自己是一种无法忍受的、不必要的负担. Ever since then I’ve been interested in alleviating the soul searching impact that 情感ly traumatic experiences bring to other 医生. I believe that an avenue exists in the newly 为med doc to doc peer support and I am hoping I can be of some help to someone else.”

  • "When I was approached by the CMA to become a peer supporter 为 医生 in Ohio, 我的回答是肯定的! 有一个机密, safe place 为 医生 to easily access support is a crucial step in addressing physician well-being and breaking down the culture of infallibility and perfectionism so often found in medicine. 当我们有压力或遇到困难的病人时, talking with a peer who understands and has been in similar situations can be so helpful. That shorthand of shared experiences and emotions with someone who can listen empathically and without judgement and direct toward appropriate resources, 如果需要, 对一个苦苦挣扎的医生来说如此有价值吗."


  • Peer support is intended 为 any potentially significant 情感 stressors including:

    • 受不良云顶集团影响的

    • 孤立感/缺乏支持

    • 工作对人际关系的影响

    • 情感创伤性临床经历

    • 向监管机构报告

    • 病人侵略

    • 媒体问题

    • 倦怠

    • 不能有效地照顾自己.

  • 所有与参与者的讨论都将在绝对保密的情况下进行. 同侪支持者将不作书面记录. Peer supporters will not share in为mation with employers, colleagues or the state medical board.

  • 参加医生对医生的同伴支持计划是免费的.

  • 后调用 (614) 385-6660 或提交的形式找到. ourbabyplace.com/doctodoc, you will receive a phone call from a peer support physician director within 一个工作日. The director will pair you with a physician who has received extensive training in providing peer support. This peer supporter will reach out to you within 48 hours of being matched with you and will set up a convenient time 为 a peer support session with you.

  • 绝对! 因为在医生的训练过程中, 以及在寻求帮助时的耻辱, many doctors are reluctant to seek out assistance during times of stress or hopelessness. If you are concerned about a friend or colleague and want to connect them with the peer support program, 你可以遵循以下建议:

    1. 让他们知道你担心他们,你关心他们.

    2. Share that our roles as 医生 can be overwhelming and difficult and that you personally sometimes feel the need to reach out 为 help

    3. Provide in为mation on the confidential and 免费的 Doc To Doc peer support program (in为mation found on the CMA website)

    4. 让他们知道医生有这种感觉是很常见的, 他们并不孤单, and an expertly trained physician peer can lend a sympathetic ear and provide helpful resources

    5. 如果他们看起来不愿意寻求帮助, 也许你可以帮他们打开网站, or be with them while they fill out the program 为m or call the number 为 peer support

    6. 如果他们拒绝帮助(“我很好……我只是累了”), 再次转回来,让他们知道你关心他们,并提出建议. Compassion and understanding will help them not feel embarrassed and normalizing seeking out help will encourage them to connect with peer support

  • It is important to note that peer supporters will not engage in any clinical treatment or relationship. 同伴支持者只会提供应对的支持和资源, but can seamlessly collaborate with OhioPHP to provide connections 为 mental health or substance use resources 如果需要.

  • We would appreciate if you could spread the word about this new program to your partners and colleagues! 在部门会议上讨论医生对医生的支持, 医生休息室, and peer review meetings will build awareness of the program and help to normalize 医生 asking 为 help. 从事医学工作可能会对身心造成伤害. Why not create a movement 为 医生 to support one another so that we can not only better navigate our careers in medicine, 但也可以在这个过程中蓬勃发展?



自杀及危机生命线 ——调用 988;
输入关键字4希望’ to 741-741 连接到危机短信热线.

医生支持热线(888) 409-0141: A national and confidential 免费的 support line service made up of 600+ volunteer psychiatrists who offer peer support 为 physician colleagues. 开放时间为美国东部时间上午8点至上午1点,每周7天,无需预约.

俄亥俄州专业人员健康计划(hiophp):  致电(614)841-9690或给我们发电子邮件 info@ohiophp.org

OSMA健康护理服务 -健康检查和转介服务(CARE)是一项简单的服务, 免费的, 对你的心理和情绪健康进行匿名检查.